The 24th festival edition carries the title «Im Handumdrehn» — loosely translated «in the blink of an eye». We practice hopefulness, embrace serendipity, and celebrate the agility with which even the most entrenched situations can shift in an instant. Artists from Switzerland, Germany, and Vietnam open up spaces for artistic encounters. Our focus lies on practices and strategies that operate outside of institutional spaces, confront social issues, and question everyday rituals.
Shuttle Bus
from Giswil train station: 12:25 h, 12:55 h
from turbine hall: 20:10 h, 20:25 h, 20:50 h, 21:10 h
Admission: S 15 CHF / M 25 CHF / L 35 CHF
Location: Turbine Hall, Unteraastrasse 42 Giswil
Antonia Röllin (*1989), Lucerne
Eva Fuhrer (*1950), Berne
Lai Dieu Ha (*1976), Hanoi/Vietnam
Thuy Anh Dang, Hanoi/Vietnam
'nSchuppel — Vanessà Heer (*1989), Zurich, Efa Mühlethaler (*1962), Zurich, Mario Petrucci Espinoza (*1995), Caroline Baur (*1986), St. Gallen, Carmen Oswald (*1978), Thalwil
Phu Luc, Hanoi/Vietnam — Vu Duc Toan (*1982), Nguyen Huy An (*1982), Ngo Thanh Bac (*1988)
Rita Ambrosis (*1969), Locarno & Dona De Carli (*1950), Locarno
Trân Tran (Lausanne)
Karin Meiner (*1958), Burgbrohl & Boris Nieslony (*1945), Köln
Laura Paloma (*1995), Biel/Bienne
Karin Salathé (*1985), Basel
Léa Glauser, Lausanne
Myriam Ziehli (*1989), Lausanne
Free entrance
Location: BWZ Berufs- und Weiterbildungszentrum Obwalden, Aariedstrasse Giswil
Van Do (*1995), Hanoi/Vietnam
Lena Eriksson (*1971), Basel & Elia Malevez (*1980), Lucerne